Different Types of Garage Doors in Cranbourne

Different Types of Garage Doors in Cranbourne

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Choosing your garage door is a big decision. It completes the look and feel of your family home and also adds to its street appeal. While many people overlook this aspect when redesigning their home, it is important to make sure you pick the right door for you that both functions well and fits in with the look of your home. Here are some of the different types of garage doors you can choose from in Cranbourne.

Roller Doors

These are one of the most popular choices for garage doors in Cranbourne, mostly due to the way they operate. By rolling up and down on hinges, they don’t take up much space in your driveway which means you can park right up against them before opening the door, saving you plenty of space.

Tilt Doors

Tilt doors tend to be less popular for obvious reasons. They tilt out when they open or close, so you need to make sure you don’t park right up next to them and leave plenty of room. They are, however, very cost-effective and can be a great option for your backyard shed.

Sectional Doors

These doors are made up of horizontal panels that lift up into the roof. Just like roller doors they are great for space saving, and they also come in a range of different colours, making them easy to match your home.

If you are looking at installing a new garage door into your home, then call on the experts from Casey Garage Doors. They will help you find the design and type that best suits your needs and have it done in no time.


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